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Landscaped garden featuring sandstone patio and the construction of a new stone retaining wall

The customer was looking for a second area of terracing and new paving to compliment the existing patio. The original stonework was also in some need of repair and reconstruction.

The new raised patio was constructed using Indian sandstone paving slabs with blockpavers interspersed to add visual interest. This paving style was also reflected in the original patio space. Existing steps were rejuvenated with new sandstone copings and the steps were opened out towards the bottom, linking the 2 sections of terrace. A double skinned retaining wall, edged with coping stones was built to complete the grand design.

The sweeping curves of the new terrace add a majestic feel to the garden. The extensive paving works well in a garden of this size and the original sandstone compliments the style of the original house.

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